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Archbishop Temple iPad

Archbishop Temple
High School

and mcc

We have supported Archbishop Temple Church of England High School achieve success with iPad. They have transformed teaching and learning in their school and continue to improve the classroom experience with technology.


Archbishop Temple Church of England High School is a high performing secondary school in Preston, Lancashire. They have 782 pupils, aged 11-16, and they aim to provide an outstanding education for all pupils based firmly on their core values of faith, nurture and service.


The leadership team at the school have always been passionate about creating a "vibrant and

exciting" place to learn. Since working with MCC Digital they have achieved this goal.

Archbishop Temple Apple Logo

The iPad Vision

The schools vision is to create a school where all pupils have access to mobile technologies all of the time to support learning. The iPad is an additional part of Archbishop Temple's existing teaching toolkit.


"Our teachers are constantly working with iPad to research and trial the latest developments in this new technology to ensure that this exciting development in our teaching style has a real and quantifiable benefit to the learning experience and achievements of our pupils."

Head Teacher, Mr Ivan Catlow


MCC Digital


We asked Head Teacher, Mr Catlow, to tell us about his experience with MCC Digital and his schools journey to one to one iPad deployment.


"MCC has supported us since the early days of our iPad project. From assisting with parental information evenings, to labelling

devices with student names prior to delivery, to automatically

enrolling devices into our management system and provision of ongoing support for teaching staff with classroom based CPD through the academic year. We highly recommend
MCC Digital."

MCC Digital Logo

In 2022 85% of pupils at Archbishop achieved 9-6 in their GCSE's

Teaching and Learning â€‹

We asked staff at the school how iPad has helped to improve the teaching and learning experience. "We found that students are more engaged and focused during lessons now that students bring them to each lesson."


In some lessons the iPad is used with interactive software that allows pupils to compete against their peers and test their understanding at the start or end of a lesson. The results provide instantaneous progress feedback to their teachers.

Apple Education Case Study
Apple Education Case Study

Resources and Benefits

Departments across the school are constantly experimenting with new ways to integrate the use of iPad into the classroom experience, whilst equally remaining committed to providing an excellent teaching and learning environment for students.


We asked Archbishop Temple High Schools teaching staff what resources and benefits they find most useful when working with iPad. "We utilise many of the resources available from Apple to make our iPad 1:1 programme more effective and easier to manage including the Everyone Can series."

A favourite with teachers is the Apple Classroom app, which allows teachers to see what pupils are doing in real time on their iPads and direct them to resources quickly and easily. Several departments have also started using augmented reality based apps, really bringing subjects to life for pupils on their iPad.


"CPD visits from an Apple Professional Learning Specialist provided by MCC Digital have really helped to inspire best practice across our school."

Head Teacher, Mr Ivan Catlow


"CPD visits from an Apple Professional Learning Specialist provided by MCC Digital have really helped to inspire best practice across our school."
Mr Ivan Catlow, Headteacher

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